How to fix creaking wood floors?
In certain conditions creaks can appear which is completely normal for a wooden floor. The sound can vary for different seasons because wood expands and contracts due to variations in temperature and humidity.
The creaks and squeaks of wooden floors can put a damper on your overall satisfaction. But don’t worry, there might be an easy fix.
Consider the moisture content
90% of creaking floor cases are related to moisture content. Low humidity can cause wooden flooring to dry and crack. When weight is applied to the flooring, friction causes those familiar squeaks.
Take a hygrometer or moisture measurement tool and measure the moisture content of your flooring. The relative humidity or RH of your room should be between 30% and 60%.
If the relative humidity of your room is below 30%, put a humidifier in the area of the creaking floor. Don’t expect the creaking sounds to disappear as soon as the relative humidity is back to normal. Give your floor a few days to normalize.
Follow up
Remember that parquet is especially sensitive to moisture fluctuations. Keep a moisture meter in your room and minimize extreme variations in humidity.
Make sure that your floating floor stays floating so that it can move without building up tension. Avoid the installation of heavy furniture (e.g. kitchen island) on top of your floating floor.
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